• +27 12 345 4445

Nkwe 4x4

Nkwe Mine & Balistic Protected Vehicle

The Nkwe 4x4 mine and ballistic protected vehicle range provides a powerful protected platform for a range of battlefield and peacekeeping operations.

This modern South African design mine and ambushed protected vehicle (MRAP) incorporates modern main components that ensures reliability, maintainability and repairability into the future.

The Nkwe Infantry Fighting Vehicle variant, with a turret, is suited for motorized Infantry, counter insurgency, Special Forces and Urban operations.


About Us

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Contact Info

  •  Rock St 12, Newyork City, USA
  •  (000) 000-000-0000
  •  info@example.com
  •  Week Days: 09.00 to 18.00
  •  Sunday: Closed